North Mitrovica political art 7: I haven't been able to find any exact translations of
[Corrected on the 20th of May 2007.]
Anonymous commented that, "Uske is a nick name of a person nothing more".
As English language tags are written elsewhere (and French language graffiti here) it is quite possible that a Serbian language tag was written here by a member or supporter of the Albanian National Army.
The reading of the acronym, though, may be inaccurate, as I understand that the Serbian language acronym would be ANA (Albanski Narodni Armija); USK in Serbian would, however, sound the same as UCK (Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves), the Albanian language acronym for the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) and a UCK member or supporter may have intended the phonetic reading of the tag, understandable to Serb readers.
Uske is a nick name of a person nothing more.